guess what’s in the feed today? another face
from the previous century aspires openly
to dictatorship—how cute! dom me daddy!
lol jk actually what i meant to say was ew,
no thx! we’re good! no need to stay
wedded to that greed boy, no more fuel
need stoke that fire! descend ur podium,
or fear the pyre! fear the butcher’s meathook
erected in the heart of town, ur body
lacerated (likely by ur own fuming followers)
& suspended upside down, naked w/ ur
shame on full display! this is no threat,
simply a friendly reminder. our customs let
u get away w/ much—it looks lots of fun!
but let’s not mistake economic advantage
for immunity; far less brutish personalities
have had all ripped from them in seconds
after toying w/ the electorate. sure these days
we don’t vote, but we like to have the option!
have ur mansions, manipulate ur fortune
well, persist even in ur fraudulence! just
drop the battle cadence, lose the flags.
they’re so 1939. they’re so 1984. did u
see that movie? children crushed, bled,
blown apart today won’t be the ones to seal
ur fate, but someone will, if u keep flirting
w/ this. it’s like how my friends must give
me the eager puppy treatment when i like
a cis man: no, girl! drop it! drop iiiit. . . good!
that’s like u w/ fascism, honey! i know it’s
attractive. i like games wherein i conquer
whole planets w/ cunning & impunity; but it’s
virtual, baby! that’s the beauty of this century,
unless u & the good ole boys fuck it up! we
simply can’t allow that. 🙂 u’ve had ur fun,
now u may sit! try to ban books, if u wish,
trash socialized healthcare like an eldritch lich,
it makes no difference! the meek have claimed
inheritance & smarter men than u have stumbled
hard on their way to becoming (i. e. meeting) god.