and it reads: in this house, we believe… trans women are women. all cops are bastards. john hinckley junior did nothing wrong. kurt cobain was trans. all landlords are liars. devine is still the filthiest person alive. in this house, we say faggot and tranny and we graffiti girldicks on cop cars. and yes, astrology is real, but that might just be because i am such a fucking aquarius. so, fuck it. long live lesbian poetry. trans men are hot as fuck. no one is free until everyone is free. non-binary people don’t owe you androgyny. appalachia is not a graveyard. they didn’t burn witches, they burnt women. libraries are sacred spaces. infinite jest is actually helluva eggy. anarchy is a love language. dinosaurs had feathers. invisible disabilities are real. zines are revolutionary. land back, now and forever. pronouns are poetry. disco never died. queer joy is resistance. borders are just scars on stolen land. mutual aid saves lives. free palestine. free congo. free sudan. free haiti. water is life, and corporations shouldn’t own a fucking drop. fuck the supreme court. sign language should be taught in elementary school. drag is for everyone. black lives matter, always and forever. love is a verb, not just a feeling. ramps should be everywhere, not just where they think we belong. sex work is real work. rest is a radical act of rebellion. science is real, but so is magic. consent isn’t sexy, it’s mandatory. queer rage is righteous. in this house, we believe it’s not about the fucking bathrooms. it’s never been about the fucking bathrooms. when they put us against the wall, it won’t be because we used the wrong fucking bathroom. capitalism is a horror beyond comprehension, but even then, it can be defeated. because you are beautiful. and so is the world. and together we can defeat anything. because in this house, we believe that a better world is still possible. because in this house, we believe that a better world is still possible. because in this house, we believe that a better world is still possible. because in this house, we believe that a better world is still possible.
as long as we fight for it.