guidelines for submission

the citizen trans* {project} by new words {press} seeks to publish & archive the voices & experiences of trans* writers in this anti-trans, post-election country. we’re sad. we’re angry. we’re disillusioned, tired & betrayed. as writers, it’s our job to write regardless. to shed light, to truth tell, to burn.

the theme is simple: post-election writing. send us your tears, your rage, your hope, your hopelessness. send us your words. there is no voting process. if it’s on theme, we publish it online. Nothing is off limits expect hate speech (decided on a case by case basis).

we will be adding work to the website weekly

  • one piece of work per person
  • accepting poetry, art, or short prose (prose can be no more than 500 words) that matches the theme. prose can be short-fiction or nonfiction, journal entry, essay, spell. whatever, as long as it’s on topic & 500 words or less.
  • ai generated work not accepted. 
  • anyone identifying as trans* or gender-expansive in any way is welcome to submit.
  • all submissions must be sent as MS Word or plain text document. .jpg and .png accepted for art submissions.
  • submissions must go through submittable.
  • as always, there is no submission fee.
  • there is no payment for this project.
  • publication is online only