- Pronouns in the HR email signature of the job I can’t come out at
- The way the security guard crumples the rainbow flag left by today’s rally
- The way I walk past and pretend around violence
- The violence itself
- The urinal I scrub five days a week, always filled with piss
- All the bugs that died swimming in the piss
- Bus stop closures
- Bus delays
- Sometimes the bus doesn’t come
- Sometimes the bus doesn’t stop
- Sometimes I walk two extra blocks in the rain
- The second time it happened I thought I had gone invisible
- But what would really change if this were true
- Once, someone threw spaghetti away in the locker room trash, but I got there before the cockroaches did
- When the federal workers throw away food in the bathrooms it attracts them
- The first time I saw a cockroach I had to get my supervisor to take care of it for me
- I was scared
- And it was so small
- And my supervisor showed me that if you remove the wand attachment of the vacuum
- And position the hose over the cockroach
- They’re not fast enough to escape
- I never listen when people compare what’s been happening to frogs boiling in water
- How the frog only knows what’s happening when it happens
- I’ve known what will happen for years
- The only question is if I’m fast enough