Category: citizen trans* {project}

  • How to Erase your Transness

    Here’s the secret: you can’t, they can smell you like rotten eggs, like spoiled milk, the stuff you don’t want coming from the things that shouldn’t be there, and you see, that’s where the problem lies, in your want of absence, because it means that you cannot take away to hide your vulnerabilities, your shiny…

  • For Bipolar Black Trans Intersex Kings

    I also woke up hopeless for the future But having faith in tonight When black elders and ancestors helped my hands to make a soul food dinner And trans gods and intersex angels gathered like saints around the firepit And became the light of the world Burning Releasing Together Eating a soul food dinner With…

  • a  f  t  e  r  b  u  r  n  11 . 06 . 2024

    . :: ::: ::::: :::::  ::::: ::::::::   :::::::: :::::::::     ::::::::: :::::::::::        ::::::::::: ::::::::::      :::::::::: ::::::::    :::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: a  f  t  e  r  b  u  r  n 11 . 06 . 2024 we should weave our burning fear and anger and grief and pain into braids so thick they can lasso the white house and…

  • Five Days Post-Election

    I a pedestrian homes in on my friend, dousing her blouse in a coffee air-strike that misses her face “your time is coming, faggot” she is a war veteran commanding her life to finally grow in happiness as she instead of he another friend is a grad student their dream to validate and improve the…

  • ‘Solar Strike’

    Soon it will be as though we never existed. I did the dishes and swept the floors and vacuumed the carpets and dusted the shelves and made the bed and paid the bills and put out the trash and wiped the counters and bleached the tub and sink … soon it will be as though…

  • overhearing a bookstore conversation

    okay, but if men could get pregnant i’d kill myself. i mean, how would the baby come out? my dick? nah bro, hahaha. the harsh pitter patter of feet bounced off the walls within the depths of my core, attempting to drown out laughter that fell two octaves below my own. he said i’d kill…

  • RE: In Which I Feel Like Doug and Kamala’s Third

    (excerpts taken from Harris Walz campaign email subject lines leading up to 2024 Presidential election) Happy Birthday Honey! A simple request: Hoping you’ll take two quick minutes: Let’s surprise Kamala today! Not tomorrow. Not next week. TODAY Can I call you? Before you go to sleep Before Midnight I know it’s getting late – Awake?…

  • Because we are beautiful

    Because when my tears fall, they follow a familiar path, One carved into my bones like a rushing river does a canyon, I am no longer here, I tell her. I am in the mirror, I tell her. Harvesting fears, the feller; Dripping red, the state of Wisconsin burns a hole in my TV. I…

  • On Election Day My Latest STI Test Comes Back Negative

    after Noah Baldino Halved, the body might resemble a geode, crystalline glisten after dirt. That is, of course, until it rots. A purple stone brought home to dry gray on the windowsill. On the train home I wonder, if I open myself, would yellow, white, all shades blue and red surprise me? What hides in…

  • Dis-Appointment

    I wish I knew just how we got here but I had long ago lost hope.  I’d been seeing the political arena play out in everyday street encounters.  Those status-symbol oversized, overpriced gas-guzzling monstrocities of trucks sought to control both vehicular and ideological traffic by engaging in their own ticker tape parades, honking and screaming…