(after Montana, after Nebraska) “Please stay alive.” Consideration: I have never met you bound together in blood, I reflect you, me, not quite, but kind of– ‘representative’ is a good word for it. Watch a man cry in court, feel loved “Heads up, chins up, we’re survivors” better now than before but I am, have…
History will remember, It always does, You can’t wash us away, Our lives are stained in, Permanent ink, Our blood never washes out, No matter how hard you scrub, You could never destroy, Every page we’ve hidden in our attics, And under our beds, Could never mend the scars, We so proudly wear, Could never…
1. If you are assigned female at birth, your nipples can never be visible in public, beyond infancy. Please note: bikini sizes start at 3 months. Please purchase accordingly. 2. If you are assigned male at birth your nipples can be visible in public in almost any setting. 3. If you were assigned female at…
Broken blistered feet running across melting pavement Leaning toward an escape only a hair width away. Make your teeth a guillotine for their mocking fingers Paint your unfortunate face crimson with their shock. Tie the broken shell of the world with a victim’s sinew Clench shattered glass to indulge your mind to remember what’s been…