I can’t quit my chained maidenWho pliés around the welkinFrom stone to stone, and craterTo crater, hypergolic. She spinsAnd laughs, I swell with love. I callHer a reminicantagonist, a futurephiliacBut as she always does, she floatsAhead. Skipping, stone to stone,Alpheratz towards Canis and his son.She knows what will come next,She’s lived it before. This is…
Well, the world is ending as it did. But before gun barrels shove into mouths where only popsicles should go- someone needs to teach the abandoned puppy how to walk on a leash, someone needs to empty the dishwasher, pick up the Big Gulp lids from the turtle spawning grounds, rub sunscreen on the wiggling…
Yesterday I drove my son back homewithout crying, long past tears, knowingsoon I’ll leave, no more weekend sharedcustody, in attempt to flee draconian lawsdevised to erase and replace me with masksI wore but never wanted. He doesn’t knowwhy I jump at every knock shatteringsilence, but my edginess seeps into himand he knows it’s not right.…