& I get it, it’s not the market’s place/ desire/priority, to accommodate me, what the market will bear doesn’t care for me to assert what might curdle the vibe/chip the veneer/offer shoppers less-than-a-smile while we’re worshipping the god of transactions —it’s a functional [kind of] exhaustion, daily not to correct them—at work, ignoring your THEY/THEM shirt,…
Red, white, and blue. An orange-faced felon. My mother’s favorite mug staring at me with the other water-spotted dishes in the sink that I had avoided too long. My finger pads, and blood, are the same shade as the red on the cup, the red of the flag, and they…
I pledge allegiance to Allah, to God not the God of presidents or bombs but Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: in the name of Allah, I pledge allegiance to a world without genocide, without carceral slavery, as al-Qahhar, as-Salam, the Peaceful Subduer wishes. I pledge allegiance to Allah, O’Gentle Allah, al-Latif that…
Burning, raging, fire, quench the fear of a moment. I reach to hold my destination to my chest–yet. Gray, broken bodies drag my spine towards the ground. I search for peace among dragged empires that tumble forward towards uncertain rule. Tell me, how might it feel to fall? Do you understand the truth of scorched…
on what i can only assume was a beautiful day enrico fermi proposed a problem that everyone understood a cosmic ouroboros head to tail, beginning to end the eternal return to the infernal question: are we alone in the universe? and we’ll spend the rest of our lives answering it i. the great filter. hope…