Category: citizen trans* {project}

  • Dancer


    I have      no gender. I am only      a shape,         a sound,             my breath,   and then I’m gone. If you remember me, that’s your problem.

  • Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft

    & I get it, it’s not the market’s place/ desire/priority, to accommodate me, what the market will bear doesn’t care for me to assert what might curdle the vibe/chip the veneer/offer shoppers less-than-a-smile while we’re worshipping the god of transactions —it’s a functional [kind of] exhaustion, daily not to correct them—at work, ignoring your THEY/THEM shirt,…

  • I broke my mother’s “Trump 2024” mug on purpose, but I told her it was an accident.

              Red, white, and blue. An orange-faced felon. My mother’s favorite mug staring at me with the other water-spotted dishes in the sink that I had avoided too long. My finger pads, and blood, are the same shade as the red on the cup, the red of the flag, and they…

  • Allegiance to Allah

    I pledge allegiance to Allah, to God not the God of presidents or bombs but Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: in the name of Allah, I pledge allegiance to a world without genocide, without carceral slavery, as al-Qahhar, as-Salam, the Peaceful Subduer wishes. I pledge allegiance to Allah, O’Gentle Allah, al-Latif that…


    I would be lying if I didn’t say I never believed in eternal damnation, if I was never told I was dirty, filthy after being told “I love you.” We crowd in fear. We tuck our tongues against our molars and hope– I am your wannabe dyke fag who you say is unreal. You call…

  • Spirals


    Burning, raging, fire, quench the fear of a moment. I reach to hold my destination to my chest–yet. Gray, broken bodies drag my spine towards the ground. I search for peace among dragged empires that tumble forward towards uncertain rule. Tell me, how might it feel to fall? Do you understand the truth of scorched…

  • in regards to fermi’s paradox

    on what i can only assume was a beautiful day enrico fermi proposed a problem that everyone understood a cosmic ouroboros head to tail, beginning to end the eternal return to the infernal question: are we alone in the universe? and we’ll spend the rest of our lives answering it i. the great filter. hope…

  • The Other Side of the Mirror

    There is something deeply fragile about a world where a man in a suit, with a flag pin on his lapel, gets to decide whether trans people deserve rights. Yet here we are. Trump is back, and with him comes the same old fear mongering, the same policies designed to make life unbearable for anyone…

  • Thanksgiving Dinner

    we went back to the desert in the house of ruspoli and at Thanksgiving dinner, a guy who shared my name offered us a ride in a sand dune vehicle like a quad but vicious and we accepted (fools) he drove like a madman through joshua trees the spotlight of the car creating tall shadows,…