Category: citizen trans* {project}

  • denver

    that gap tween pre-op & prophecy spent, herbiding knife comes reaming rendering rending light through-in & deep, her knife imbibing dreamswept sleep sloughed weeper ends how every way she wants it: her, rearranged & I following; futures torn shut / sutured free

  • Here, We Are

    This bulge resists fasciststhrough my boxers, every yawning day has seen us underneath its sky,this world fell, from god’s dripping tonguehere it is a beautiful earth where we dance andour legs have known the same marks My cock is real and hard next to yours, my willhas crawled this hillFrom my hands,I made him, underneath…

  • the blade (cw: self harm)

    It yearns to be used once moreUntil my arms are soreTo draw the sweet crimson red“I will heal you” it saidThe cuts will soon start to burnYour stomach will definitely churnAs you look at the scars on my armsYour eyes will widen in alarmAs one thing goes wrongThe blades all dance to a songAs they…

  • Today I will love Emerald

    A nonbinary fat kid writing a whole poemabout how cute they areis only a radical act in hell. And here we are.Here I am.Not a tall manNot a thin girl,a shock of pink twirling outfrom the crownto clash with every outfitand make it intentional. Eyes like mood ringsEyes like rivers.Eyes like good intentions.Eyebrows that survived…

  • Florida State of Mind

    Florida is no longeran American state; it is nowa state of mind, a toxicwasteland wherewhite resentment has— corrodedwhat little remainsof the Everglades contaminatedthe parts of Palm Beachwe can still afford and poisonedthe oranges we onceheld up proudlyto the bright raysof the Sunshine State

  • Against Rebirth

              In discussions of climate change mitigations and solutions, there is much talk of returning to a baseline, or restoring an ecosystem to its “natural” or “virgin” state. In answering what exactly this state would look like, there are many fingers pointed towards a pre-Industrial Revolution world as one to restore. As an answer to Anthropogenic…

  • untitled poem

    If we could ever understand what life is forAnd what is likely a strange manoeuvre,If we could ever realise it way before,Would it be harder to collect the oeuvreThan talk to you and see that you would ratherDie than acknowledge and restore my pain?To calculate the loss and gain of simple thoughtsTo talk about walking…

  • Soft white night

    When the soft whiteOf the light nightWhen the lilyFlower might findSome peace in the place spaceWhen the time whenThe sounds lightSome findGlade ghost greenThere by the old oak treesWhen the light lost waysOf the sunshine daysWhen the softWhit5e might findAgain there in the nightWhen the last lightCould remainWhen the first light could replaceWhen the last…

  • something like that

    What she wants to say will put her on a list at best and get her visited by fascists at worst, so Maxine keeps her head down, makes preparations she never should’ve had to make, thinks about all the ways in which a country can come undone on the macro level while on the micro,…