Category: citizen trans* {project}

  • 11.06.24

    We do not sleep. She keeps up with the polls;I smoke until I’m on the couch. She lets me pretend until 1am,when the votes seem sure,then we begin our planning. Where we’d go.What we’d take.Who’d we be leaving behind. She makes the coffee, I feedthe feral cats outside.I apologize to them,like they’d understandif we suddenly left,suddenly disrupted theirlittle lives. One…

  • Can You Wish Upon These Stars?

    (Based on The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key) Oh how do you feel, by the harsh light of day,Do you long for your pride from the shadows of childhood?All the bunting and glitz in the freedom displayWas exciting and bright and a bastion for all goodAnd the fireworks went boom, and the sparklers went…

  • am i gay?

    asks a buzzfeed quiz, but sometimes the more accurate questionis whether i could pass a turing test aftercramming and thus starting to feel less alive. can statistics have genders?asks the inner voice that has already resigned himselfto being a fundraising item for a nonprofit, a black-and-whitephoto adorning a copied and pasteddecidedly uninspirational email. can i watch…

  • What Does A Bird Hater Do?

    Maybe that caged bird Maya Angelou wrote of,Maybe there’s another cage, another birdA whole aviary of cages, chained upBy dirty words, spat from the bowels of hatredItself.There’s a good half of every person aliveLooking at those cages in adoration“Look what we’ve done to our beautiful nation, we…We’re just making it great again.”It’s like the hand…

  • untitled

    The morning I found outWas the same week I was to celebrateA whole year on testosteroneOnly to be filled with doubtWho will decide my fate?If only I would have known Maybe I would have made a changeA move to another stateI keep having to rearrangeI’m starting to dissociate Will I be able to have this care?What will…

  • election day

    A love letter to American zillennials before we were old enough to strapon our most comfortable shoes and standin line at the polls, we were old enoughto cut george bush’s face out of our scholastic readers and colorall over it with school-issued crayolas,to tape it to the corner of our desksand sit down on it—kiss my…

  • The Other Shoe

    I honestly thought we had won.In March 2016, the North Carolina legislaturepassed a bill banning transgender people from public bathrooms.The reaction was immediate.  And angry.College sports teams, corporations,musicians, conventions and state governments boycotted them.And on May 9th, 2016,the Attorney General of the United States announcedfor the first time everthey would not allow discrimination against trans…

  • Nightmares

    The birds and the bees and the invisible womanthe nectar so sweet, the musings saccharine, butmy baby’s shoulders slumped in the kitchen,and I am crying but there are no words,she is taking my glasses off my face,cleaning them on her t-shirt, and I am drivingthe wrong way to work, the sun is rising,and my friends…