Torch the damn buildings down and speak with your whole throat. Make your actions meaningful, the profile pic filters and memes are embarrassing at this point and don’t mean shit. (I’m so sick and tired of having to teach people how to show up for me as if I’m a new element on the periodic table that…
All I know is what I give every day.Before the election, I was already spinning out. For weeks, I’ve beencoming to classdried out of dreamseager to find a way to undo my clenchedfist. There’s this old saying“Give them the right questions, not the right answers.” It’s been gettingharder to want to pour more into what…
The average life expectancyFor trans people is 35Due to violence and suicide My future vision is blurryI can see fuzzy outlinesShadows taking shape I see a face crumpled in sorrowHeavy with loss and longingUntil I’m stiff as a board in a boxThen light as a feather I don’t want to be just another statisticI deserve to live a…
I weep thinking of the loss.The loss of human life.Trans day of remembrance is a hard day.One that makes someone ponder. These lives matter.These lives have meaning and deserve respect.Where do these souls go?When a light is snuffed out, The Gods weep.What hatred must be in their hearts.Their triple heaters are cold to the touch.Their heart protectors…
each morning I wake up& wonder which part of my body has become aland mine. yesterday, my mouth.the taste of ash coatedmy tongue, eating holesthrough each taste bud my eyes, still closed as the news plays tragedyon the television, shake seizure-like inside of me today, my longer shedding orbleeding or bloating butstill fertile enough to turn into a weapon. womb run red…
I. friends are sharing DIY HRT poststyping out – Death before Detransition –wondering how quickly Huckabee Sanderswill declare us transteachers have to use words thatalign(according to the State)withour genitalia at birth the pervert State that wantsto peek atmy baby self’s sexso they can assign me a genderi must use on the job(but not incoffee shops not in…
For a month I avoided my fatherhe called I called he called he calledhe called I called he called he calledhe called I called I called he called as we shouted at each otherinto the cave from the walk homefrom the takeout line from workduring lunch break from joyridingin the car from 2:00 PM when workwas…
on political talk shows,in congressional bills,they try to regulate where we can piss,what kind of medical assistance we are allowed to receive, they silence our stories,hoping we will disappear. But we’ve been here since existence, since they started trying to put people in boxes. We’ve been dancing on the edge of boxeswaltzing outside the walls, pirouetting through more spacethan we were allowed,and we’re…