So what?Dead leaves hitting my bare shouldersduring the hottest Texas on record. And there weren’t little fireseverywhere in my organs. My name genuflected inside me,asking. So what?My conversations with Sydney-I fucking hate everybody especially the little twink & butchunder the heart of me. [voice message] You’re happy.I laughed in my cup- shades of kool-aid blue. So what?Wading…
The First Lady and the President have both had equal levels of input into the following ideas, memorialised on this embossed paper, copied from the original crayon. 1 : Sad fags could write diaries 2: Sad fag children also 3: Tell all sad fags to write down their sadscreweduplonelyboringhornyheartbrokendirtynastyfilthyfunnyfunky strangewonderfulbeautiful littlesad thoughts down l 4: They would only write the diaries when they…
This one’s for everyone out there who somebody wants out of this world, and everyone who cares about us. Let me tell you something.It may seem a little hard to believe,especially coming from someone like me,some chronically ill lesbian college student,a daughter of a daughter of immigrants.Just, promise me you’ll listen, okay?Let me tell you something. They…
Manifestation is a word I became obsessed with during my churchgoing years. I miss the adrenaline of manifestation—the mystical idea of an ethereal being possessing my body—the hope that something beyond my reality could be possible—something that could take me away into bliss. So much changed in my life the year after Trump was elected.…
You say what we decideShouldn’t be a reason to divideBut it’s a little hard not to divideWhen you’re already chastised.When you’re already cast asideWhen you’re already marginalizedCan’t vote across an aisleCan’t write in the marginsLike my whole life is just a side noteA freakish side showTo be forgottenBecause God forbidYou colored outside your linesBut I’m…
after tristan richards & david epstein nov. 2024 arrived like the creation of a sex robot from various sci-fi films: weird science, ex machina, westworld—ironically where most days my fate is resigned to.western society, western superiority, western ideology– manufactured for pleasure but is it pleasing when greed usurps resources from beneath our actual feet?coal, oil,…
I see that little boyStaring back at meIn the mirrorIn the morningCouldn’t be clearerWhat I see But It all falls apartWhen I look downLittle princeWhere’s your crownWipe your tearsHide your frownYour fine Just a littleMixed upNothing we can’tFix butMight take some timeThey’re not on our sideThe people are blind
It’s late, I know it is, The sky begins to twist, The melancholy purple I’ve come to love. The clock bleeds, My heart bleeds with it. As the sun begins to rise, The deepest part of my soul dies. I look outside, It’s the same as it’s always been, Yet I don’t know where I am. I am afraid to get up, If I do, the world…