“I hate both candidates.” “The Two-Party system is broken.” “The lesser of two evils.” “It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s all rigged.” “Life begins at conception.” “Your body. My choice. Forever.” “I won’t let my child play with men.” “Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.” “Transgenders are sinners.” “Why should they have rights?” “I just…
When antagonists overwhelm our TVs and trains, And the CVS stops stocking estrogen and SSRIs, We promised that we would flee to Omaha. Tasting the milkweed along the roads, Kissing the magnolias and lilies, But cursing the roses, bison and eagles, We promised that we would meet in Omaha. When the National Guard smirks at…
Houston is brimming with hood philosophies curandera blessings and such but you are experiment you are the target and Texan propaganda is the scalpel and gun who are they to debate if you exist or do not exist Your home is harina, your body is several tortillas Its eviction notices and disconnection letters Its the…
“Thank you to all those good assassins who contributed to the death of my former self.” -John Patrick Shanley, Savage in Limbo My gender is a funeral And I’m holding a memorial service for my former self All the transgender fags The transsexual dykes The crossdressing queers And those of us too outrageous to fixate…
There’s no savior to bleed for these times, but in the doomscrolls I see mile-a-minute martyrs roaring and raving on a bad trip to hell’s harrowing. The spirits have been let out. There’s only one abasement to creation: making the future the past from a nostalgic poison. So, in a dream I pick up smoking…
it’s fascinating to watch the privileged masses flee from making life better where they are they simply pack up and go to where the work has already been done, living off the backs of oppressed peoples, never to lift a finger cry and cry some more about the amendments, the legislation, the discomfort. “it’s really…