cw/tw: mention of r*pe, sexual violence

a man who was president once does nothing when a million are dying

while thousands making bread
only remember the creases their bodies make
when curled in bathtubs and bedsheets

the same man refuses to admit the rage of his following
or his part in their raising a noose and building gallows

the same man says nothing when a million more die

in a tiktok, candace cameron bure asks if she is the villain

@tartek says “D list celebrities always think they’re more famous than they actually are lmfao”

@vmagallanes says “a conservative using a sound from a drag queen titled I am a socialist”

@nicolejennnnn writes that “this tiktok has more views than every hallmark movie you’ve ever done combined”

the truth is, candace
nobody cares if you think you are the villain

the man who is not president anymore still thinks he is the president
the country is still ill

the man who was president once is accused of raping 26 women or more
or everyone is lying

candace, are you conservative because you are Christian?
when you read the Sermon on the Mount
do you ever hear Jesus
say blessed are the peacemakers or        blessed are the outcasts
are these for the kingdom of heaven?

meanwhile, it is 80 degrees in Ohio in October
and tornadoes threaten the central U.S
last week, they found 76 dead

meanwhile, there are kids in cages
turning into flowers

meanwhile, black men are murdered by cops
and the remains of 215 indigenous children are uncovered beneath schools

meanwhile, the trans child searches the internet
for ways to die without hurting their family

meanwhile, a college freshman learns
of the great pacific garbage patch

a man who was president once does nothing
when a million are dying

can you lay claim your villainry?
do you know the resonance in dissonance?
if you are the villain,
can you still learn to love?