~based on a dream
Trump was
shanghaied by a cartoon
fiend who resembled
Charlie Chan in the
flicker of silent films
dramatic organ
caterwauls from the pit
Fu Manchu moustache
waxed to a fine sheen
John Lennon glasses perched
on a spread-out nose
masked by aquamarine
séance ectoplasm
a MAGA hat spiked
half-masted on a flagpole
or was he
it was my mission
to find out
a girl knows how to
stick a finger down
her throat to spew out
a political
pornographic orgy
of epic proportions
the boss was not amused
a caricature of
a Sunkist haired buddha
sprawls in a jacuzzi
bulging belly an
iceberg twiddling thumbs
for its Titanic armed
with clueless seamen
brandishing palm fronds
over martyr tombs
shouting hosanna
waiting to impregnate
aborted embryos
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