The Farmer built a picket fence to surround the fields within
He build it many years ago to keep me far from him
He built it near his house beyond the foliage and dense
And there he eats the flesh of those who live within his fence
One day, I say, i’ll tear this fence but never do because
The broken fence is built again but bigger then it was
But everyday I’ll try again to get beyond its hold
So I see the world the way it is and not the way i’m told
And even if its build in ways that keeps me in its spell
If every day it learns to change then I must learn as well
One day the fence is chainlink
And so I learn to climb
One day the fence is made of stone
And So I chisel at the lime
One day the fence is forged In steel a moat to line the rust
And I never learned quite how to swim but it seems today I must
The house becomes a castle, a painting from a stain
With jewels to line its outer walls, with bones still hold its frame
Some days I’m made to craft the bricks that builds upon its height
But for the days I’m forced to build it up I’ll knock it down at night
Outside we grow the gardens, to preserve the world around
But chrysanthemums don’t clear the smell thats rotting in the ground
The others they step on the stench and suffer at his hand
They feed the man their kids, to pay and to live upon his land
But the grass is getting thinner and still more we’re told to yield
So dare the farmer cross this line, I swear i’ll run him off my field
Still some days my horns are silver
But are heavier than lead
Some days my hooves don’t want to walk
Yet I carry on instead
Some days I can’t remember the reason that I fight
Then I look upon the farmers throne and I know i’m doing right