States are commanding men assigned F at birth to go into women’s restrooms where women will be alarmed because there’s “a guy” in the Ladies Room and they don’t feel safe as states intentionally terrorize women and women are taught to fear rape and murder and know in their battered bones the entitled men who commit violence against them and if they don’t feel safe in a women’s restroom where can they hide, and it’s impossible to tell a man from a man.
And, states are commanding women recorded as M on the day they were born to go into men’s restrooms where entitled men beat rape murder a woman or a not manly enough man and why do only men get to panic and kill when they fear their house of ego cards will collapse and if women panicked and murdered every man who was a threat to their body maybe there will only be some gay men left and perhaps Bernie Sanders, and it’s impossible to tell a woman from a woman.
And, who decides who has to present a birth certificate to the door monitor to go into the women’s restroom and no one seems to give a shit about the men’s restroom but they do and why doesn’t everybody have to produce a map of their genes a hormone test plus hormone receptor results, and why are some people so obsessed with what is in other people’s underwear?
And, when the speaker of The House makes a rule that only “biological” men can use MEN restrooms and only “biological” women can use WOMEN restrooms in congressional buildings without really knowing what he is talking about and a representative from Colorado imagines she sees a manly woman in a WOMEN restroom and summons security to eject “a guy” and calls for back-up from a heavy metal club with spikes or a chemical irritant or a representative from South Carolina and maybe someone cop’ed a feel and demanded a lifetime of medical records to ascertain restroom destiny nothing to see here no harm done remember to wash your hands just a case of “mistaken identity” of someone who needs to pee in the People’s House and who will protect us from the so-called representatives who are more made-up than any drag queen I know, and it’s easy to tell drag queens from evil wannabe princesses.
And it’s impossible to tell a drag queen from a woman just ask Dolly Parton.
And, where will I find a restroom with a sign that is the sun and the moon and the stars for the women who have an M on their birth certificate and the men assigned an F on the day they were born and drag royalty and people who are none or some or all of the above and more and those who are kind and compassionate and gentle.