The First Lady and the President have both had equal levels of input into the following ideas, memorialised on this embossed paper, copied from the original crayon.
1 :
Sad fags could write diaries
Sad fag children also
Tell all sad fags to write down their sadscrewedup
filthyfunnyfunky strangewonderfulbeautiful little
sad thoughts down l
They would only write the diaries when they were 13
when they were 23 they would read things like “his hair
is so soft yet it makes me so hard life’s a bitch” and RUN
to the nearest trash fire to dispose of such things…
Bury the pictures and words deepdeepdeepdeep into the ground
the paper should be covered in
lipstickisses and soaked with
the most atrociously alcoholic
concoctions the vodka should be
matted in leftoverbitsofcokeandsick
dressed to the nines tho as per
and the wierder kinks and the straighter
years narrow into a pin-sized-insignifica
-nce and the little holes in the toosmall
trousers that get bigger and bigger and
i am NOT talking about trousers anymore
i am discussing an entire people’s souls
i am discussing an entire army of boys
wearingbrastonightclubs and kissing
each other into a redblushofconfusion
i am discussing wanting those colours
in that way i am discussing that dazzle
of emerald in the one dress you never
threw away youhiditbehindgreysuits
and hirsute images of musclehound/gym
rats i am discussing boys (?) sucking
their teeth at boyskissingboys kissing
girlswhowantgirls to hold their arms
behind their backs all night long in an
embryonic moment they soon want to
be boys or wish they weren’t thisthat
that this is the story is noshock to any
fucker who bothered to read what was
in the diary was bloodandtears and
sweat and somuchstickyfluid so much
ihateyou ican’tstandyou so many we
shouldnotseeeachother we should not
fuck. each. other. we shouldholdsomeother
other in the dark all night
and so many people saying so and so’s
cocktastesbadandyourhairissogor-zhus and
i love you there would be so much i
love you and so much i love you so much in
fancy joined up enormous writing all every
We could hold memorial services for the
diaries when we burnt them. And read
bits from them for old time’s sake. The sad
faggots would like that.
i never could rem
ember the name any way…
and the embers do die away
the flecks of memory rot
the body dies
the soul having lingered is released
That sort of sad faggot shit that seems
to be seeping into the movies nowadays
at least with this plan they’d feel like we
hadn’t forgotten that they too have feelings
we’d recognised their need to mourn
just, you know, not in public. Signed,